Step 1: Go
to The
first time you visit the website you will need to accept the privacy policy.
You will also see a short introduction to Provider Guide the first couple of
times you access the website. You can access this information anytime by
clicking “About” in the top right corner. *Note* Make
sure you are using a web browser that is compatible with Provider Guide
Step 2: Select
the state your store is located in and click the “Continue” button. *Note* You
may get a screen pop indicating benefit changes depending on the state your
store is located in.
Step 3: Verify that the location is correct. You can change the location by clicking inside the location field and clicking the “X” to clear the field. Start typing the City or Zip Code you wish to search for and results will begin to autofill. Step 4: Click
inside the field that says “Search” You can search by Specialty, Provider
Name, or Facility. *Note* Search
results will begin to autofill when you start typing. Results will be
categorized by Specialty, Provider Name, and facility. When you see what you
are looking for, you can click on it to make your selection at any time.
Step 5: Once
you make your selection, click the magnifying glass to begin your search. *Note* You
can always come back to this screen to start a new search by clicking the
Walmart Spark in the top left corner.
Step 6:
Clicking the “Search” button will bring up a map and a list of providers matching
your search criteria. If there is a high number of results matching your
search, you may get a screen asking you to select the category for your
search in order to narrow down the search results. *Note* The
results are sorted by “Best Match” by default. You can change the sort to
sort by Distance, First Name, or Last Name. You can also filter the search
results by provider gender and “accepting new patients.” Map- Each pin
on the map shows the number of providers in the location you searched. You
can click on a pin to see a shorter list of providers. Use your mouse to move
the map to a different area. Zoom in or out on the map with the scroll wheel. *Note* You
can move the map to any area with the mouse by right clicking and dragging, even
if you don’t see red pins. Moving the map to a new area and clicking the
“search here” button will show you results for providers in that area.
Step 7: To see additional information about a provider, click “details” to the right of the provider’s name. |
Step 8: The “Details”
page gives you easy access to important information about the provider by
clicking any of the following “buttons” or hyperlinks: “Highly
Rated” (if applicable)- Provides meaning “In network
Provider”- Provides meaning
“Share” button- Allows you to share the provider’s information via text or email with a friend or family member. “Schedule” button- Allows you to easily contact BCBS to schedule an appointment for you. Address hyperlink- Takes you to Google Maps making it easy for you to get directions. Phone Number Hyperlink- Allows you to easily place a call to the provider’s office if you have a phone application installed on your computer. Website hyperlink (if available) - Takes you to the provider’s website. Step 9: Click the Walmart Spark in the top left corner to return to start a new search. |